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Wednesday 29 April 2009

new tarp/new set up

messing about with my new tarp today...ive hit on a theory that the roe deer dont feed every day,some days there are alot of slots and signs,other times there are none,i believe they feed alot then lie up for a few days...this is probarly to help them not get detected by the numerous dog walkers etc..is there a pattern in the moon tide etc?,next question........................


Albert A Rasch said...


There is a definite correlation between moon phases and deer movement. I don't believe that they eat in excess and then lay up for several days. They do move along semi-established routes and areas though.

I would check with some of the fellows in England that know more about Roe Deer than I. My buddy The Suburban Bushwacker might be able to shed more light on the subject.

Best regards,
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles.
The Range Reviews: Tactical.
Proud Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit.

Unknown said...

thanks,the reason why i think they eat then lie up more is the fact that the area they are in is very heavily populated,its hard even for me to hide away...good talking to you,thanks for following..

Albert A Rasch said...

Always a pleasure.

And I am checking with some of the fellows on the roe deer thing.


Unknown said...

did you get the music that you liked that i had?...most of my stuff is on youtube,but i am finding it getting very immature,there are some nasty people out there.ive opened a forum if your interested,im trying to get my knowledge of bushcraft across to a mature sincerely interested people,ive been told that blogging is a good way but ive only 5 folllowers,can you spread my blog around to your friends,and i could do the same for yours...heres my site if your interested...
many thanks grimbo..