amadou fungi,and i know this interests alot of people,there always seems alot of questions about find it look on birch or oak trees,but dont confuse it with raor strop,you will know if you have the right stuff as the layer you need will be like leather not wood,if all you can find is wood then its the wrong fungi..the best specimens ive seen are in scotland..if you have any in your area let me know..
the process i use is to soak the fungi firstly to soften it,the outer layer is hard and difficuilt to remove,i then cut the layer away and get to the layer i need...assaid ths looks and feels like leather..i then soak the layers in urine,this contains nitrates needed to attract a good spark,there are other less nasty methods but i beleve our ancient ancestors did it this way...i sometimes boil it in urine,this does smell alot...the layers can also be charred as in charcloth this also works well,also really good bits can catch sparks if bone dry and powdered